Saturday, November 27, 2010

what about tomorrow?

the story of how to build tomorrow wisely
in the last two days I've been participating in a very interesting and challenging conference and I'd like to put down some ideas for fear of losing them and, if possible, for getting some input. yesterday's topic referred to finding a strategy for increasing competitiveness among romanian students, debate which involved stakeholders from the public, private and non-profit arenas. here are some issues that caught my attention or were simply raised in/by my mind:
  • it's said that we have lots more students in university today compared to 10-20 years ago. however, the big number of graduates is a "fake"one, as it is produced by an assessment process guided by the idea that we need to keep all or almost all the students in the university in order to make it a sustainable system. the result? very low quality of the graduates, of the labor force, of the future teachers, professors and leaders. not only that we are easy in the selection for entering the university (aspect that could be solved by a strict and demanding system once one got in), but it goes on until the student finishes, moment when the university is trying to persuade him/her to remain inside the organisation for continuing the studies. why? because if the number of less competent students give up, there will be fewer paying the taxes, therefore the system dies...result? higher education for mass, double or triple degree, overspecialization and unemployment due to the high amount of young "fake"professionals. the problem of opportunity for all is one that most of the ones present agreed on, but I believe this does not oppose to the quality. promote higher education among all, set it as a value, but education should be understood as knowledge, competence and attitude... solution? invest in inclusion and equality of opportunity projects AND rebuild the colleges!
  • how much should we direct the university programmes and the curricula towards the market's demand? what are the risks and the opportunities? what is the national context and the evolution in the last 20 years? what is the role of the state in setting the educational agenda? is it the market, the state, the student or all these actors together that should be involved in forming the curricula? I believe that if it is only the market that has a word in this it could become too adventurous, unequal, centered on profit-making activities and consumerism. However, once the capitalism paradigm moves towards a less profit-oriented and a more lack-of-poverty type, encouraging Muhammad Yunus' model of social business, I trust the market will be able to have a fair and moral negociation with the university. Until then, the state should facilitate the conversation between the university and the private sector for increasing the stability and sustenability of the programmes, while the students should have a wide variety of courses to choose as optionals. This way, you also empower the student and make him/her aware of the responsibility for their own future. solutions? negotiations with the private sector- involve it in the university senate, guvernmental facilitation regarding the trends and the objectives based on research, greater course offer for the students.
  • autonomy does not imply lack of respect for the student! if university X promised a programme or a course, keep your promise! do not make changes during the year, do not dissappoint the students, as you represent the first institution following the family that builds the individual and forms his/her values!
  • quality can not be measured from the inside; do not hire your own graduates as teachers! if you want to measure your results get them free and see where are they able to fly!
  • we keep saying that we don't do and don't have as many internship offers as we should have...check how did the internship market looked like 15 years ago and please stop complaining! yes, we don't have enough internships for all the students today..but maybe we do not need so many students, but only the best ones! equality of opportunity included! :)
  • sometimes, the medium is more important than the content...
today's subject consisted in reestablishing the vision, the mission and the strategic objectives of the organisation. here are some conclusions that I reached during the discussions:
  • early education matters! we still need to learn to repects ourselves and the others and we need to do it today! - pay attention to reactions, giving time for others to express their ideas and accept them, respect the timetable etc.
  • we still need to learn working as a team, to harmonise our actions and "walk" in the same direction
  • we need to learn how to start an organisation: vision, mission (which involves the target group), strategy (long, medium and short term), division of departments and setting the short and medium term agenda with concrete projects/programmes; more importantly, start acting today!
  • more than talking about huge projects, we need to start doing the small ones that will lead us to the huge one one day...but have always in mind your goal!
  • what do we need in Romania today? I believe we don't really lack the initiative, but we need more long-time acting on each problem. I believe we need innovative methods and sustainable moves (see social business). We also need a national civic symbol that could get the vote one day and this could only be done through civic action and networking. My soution? structured, simultaneous movements that share the same vision and follow three stages: development from below, development from above (that is based on the support of the previous) and development from outside (diaspora) - what can diaspora do for the country? start social businesses for developing the country overall, finance the above movement that focuses on advocacy, networking, dissemination and facilitates the communication with romanians abroad. build a long term strategy and gain the power based on your results!